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Version: 1.0.2

Product Collection

Create Product Collection

You can group and display the products as a collection on the basis of different factors like : price, best selling, branded product, women's special etc.

  1. Click on 'Product' menu on left bar in home page

  2. You can see the list of sub menu inside the product menu. Click the 'Collection' menu from there

  3. Click on 'Create Collection' button and collection details.

  4. You can add the product in two ways

    a. Manually: You can select and add the products individually to the collection.

    b. Automated: You can specify the conditions to include the product that collection.

  5. Click 'Save' button. And your new collection of products is created.

You can add the product collection as a section in different pages of your site or show the collection in a page or menu.